Flea and Tick Protection (Floh- u. Zeckenschutz)
Natural flea and tick protection 7 TestimonialsSize | Price/Base weight | Selling price | |
30ml, 1 Piece | € 313.33/l | 9.40 € | |
100+30ml, 1 Piece | € 231.54/l | 30.10 € | |
100ml, 1 Piece | € 223.00/l | 22.30 € |
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- Natural flea and tick protection
With essential oils the unwanted pest can be warded off.
Ticks become active at temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius. Dogs are highly likely to trap these little bloodsuckers in their fur as they roam around through fields and woodland. A bite is not just annoying and the source of extreme itching but in some cases it may also be dangerous as ticks carry diseases such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis or TBE.
Many dog owners who have discovered the benefits of natural, additive-free, healthy nutrition are also keen to use non-chemical agents to protect their pets from the threat of ticks.
The tick poisons used in chemical agents become trapped in the tissues of the animal. While this offers weeks of protection against ticks, the poisons have long-lasting irritant effects on the host’s immune system. In many cases, the substance may not come into contact with humans.
Anifit offers with “Floh- und Zeckenschutz” a natural way of protecting against ticks which when used properly completely prevents or at least significantly reduces the occurrence of ticks. It is still important to check your pet daily following a walk through nature, but this treatment ensures your beloved four-legged friend is spared the possible unpleasant side-effects of poisons.
Application against fleas
Spray your pet in the morning or in the evening. Alternatively, the product can be applied to the fur using a pipette.
Application against ticks
The dog should be sprayed with Ani-Tick before the walk. If the dog spends the whole day outdoors, it should be sprayed between two and three times a day depending on the prevalence of ticks. Alternatively, Ani-Tick can be applied to the fur using a pipette.
Cats can use the product too, but only for a short time. Cats lick their own fur and may therefore ingest too much of the essential oils in the product over the course of several weeks. There are no known intolerances to the essential oils used in the product.
Ethanol, glycerol, combination of essential oils (inc. eucalyptus, melissa, clove, cedar and coconut oil)
Product information
30 ml spray bottle + pipette
100 ml refill bottle
Combo pack (spray and refill bottle)
Ethanol, Glycerol, Kombination aus ätherischen Ölen (unter anderem Eukalyptus-, Melissen-, Nelken-, Zedernholz- und Kokosöl)
Feeding recommendation
Anwendung Flohschutz
Am Abend und in der Früh einmal einsprühen oder mit Pipette aufbringen.
Anwendung Zeckenschutz
Der Hund sollte vor dem Spazierengehen einmal mit Floh- und Zeckenschutz besprüht werden. Sollte der Hund den ganzen Tag im Freien verbringen, so sollte die Anwendung je nach Zeckendichte zwei - bis dreimal täglich erfolgen. Alternativ kann Floh- und Zeckenschutz auch mit der Pipette auf das Fell geträufelt werden.
Auch Katzen können Floh- und Zeckenschutz verwenden, aber nur für kurze Zeit. Katzen schlecken ihr Fell ab und können damit über mehrere Wochen zu viel von den ätherischen Ölen aufnehmen.
Sprühflasche mit 30 ml + Pipette
Nachfüllflasche mit 100 ml
Kombipaket (Sprüh- und Nachfüllflasche)
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Size | Price/Base weight | Selling price | |
30ml, 1 Piece | € 313.33/l | 9.40 € | |
100+30ml, 1 Piece | € 231.54/l | 30.10 € | |
100ml, 1 Piece | € 223.00/l | 22.30 € |